How to cleaN
First use
Before you use My Period. Cup for the first time and after each cycle, put it in a saucepan with boilig water for about 5-10 minutes to sterilize it.
Make sure there is enough water so that Period. Cup doesn't touch the bottom of the saucepan.
daily CLEAN
To clean your cup after every use, first empty it into the toilet and rinse it with water. You can also use a scent free, water based (oil free) soap.
Remember to clean the air holes as well.
If you’re in a bathroom without access to clean water, you can use toilet paper to clean your cup and rinse it with water at a later time.
You can also use fragrance-free
and alcohol-free wet wipes for the sensitive area. You can also have a small spray bottle (eg. 100 ml travel bottle) with water so you will be able to rinse the Period. Cup before you re-insert it.
After each cycle and before storing your Period. Cup, we recommend you sterilize it by boiling it for about 5 minutes in water.
It is important to sterilize your cup after the end of each circle for hygiene reasons.
Store your Period. Cup into it's cotton bag that allows it breathe. It is now ready to use for your your next period circle.
Hard edge on the top ______________________
Use the Period. sterilizer to sterilize your Period. Cup as follows:
Unfold and open your Period. sterilizer and put the Period. Cup in it.​
Fill the sterilizer with water until the hard edge on the top.
Put the lid on and place the sterilizer in the microwave or in bain-marie.
Leave it for 5-10 minutes.
Remove from the microwave or bain-marie and pour water out.
Be careful not to burn yourself as the sterilizer and water are going to be too hot!