It may take several attempts to figure out how to use the menstrual cup correctly, so be patient and insist!
Usually it takes three period circles until someone learns how to insert it and remove it correctly so don't give up!
feel safe
You can use a small pad with your Period. Cup for the first times until you feel safe and get used to it.
If you can't find the stem when you want to remove your cup, give it a push as you would do to make "poop" and this will bring it lower.
Morning tIP
In the mornings and when lying down, the menstrual cup moves upper in your cervix. Allow some time before taking out your Period. cup in the morning or after lying down to make it easier to find and take out.
You can have a travel spray bottle of 100 ml with water so you can use it in common toilets to clean your menstrual cup if you have no access to a sink.
If you have long nails or if you don't want to come in contact with any menstrual fluid or blood or with the menstrual cup, you can use dispodable gloves or reusable silicone finger protectors for inserting and removing your menstrual cup.